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Paul Chehade It’s time to review the foreign policy of the United States Islamic State ISIS


The Usa is in conflict with the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL consider hatred participate their ideology. For Al Qaeda, violence is actually a way to a stops; for ISIS, it’s an end by itself.

We must control not just our objectives. Our rhetoric, also, issues more than we think. Once we declare that people may defeat ISIS, what do we mean? What is a sufficient condition to declare victory? We risk involving ourselves in yet another endless conflict except we specify that situation.

The problem begin when The United Condition regime change plan in Syria was immediately in charge of the surge of ISIS during these past 3 years.

The neocons who desire us to get harder on ISIS, including an US assault on Syria, are the same people who not long ago needed that individuals support groups like ISIS to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. US- backed and qualified moderates from your Free Syrian Military joined the Islamist militias including ISIS, getting US guns and training together.

These folks do not have strict information, so their understanding is short and they’re entirely incorrect.

The majority of their proponents, including Western and National employees to Syria and Iraq, can die around the battlefield, but Alqaedais ideological sympathizers usually also change their awareness of building tissues that will strike Developed goals, once we have noticed in Malaysia, Yemen and the tribal regions of Pakistan.

That Saudi Arabia is recognized as an appropriate place to train Syrias potential leaders must be some type of sick joke. While ISIS behead two American correspondents as that’s the repressive theocracy as terrible, was beheading many an unique citizens, usually for relatively minor or religious offenses.

If we want to quit revolutionary terrorists from operating in Iraq and Syria, what about telling our ally Saudi Arabia to stop training and funding them? For instance, what about the Federal government prevents arming and teaching the different rebel groups in Syria and lastly stops its 24-year US war on Iraq.

You will find 200-million people where ISIS is currently functioning highlighting the nations. They are those facing the danger of ISIS action and growth. Let them fight their particular struggle, rather than converting the US military in to the mercenary army of wealthy Gulf states.

Military Tactics Against ISIS Aren’t Enough, the thing is that should younot defeat the suggestions intellectually by eliminating the people though you defeat these ideas militarily, then your ideas will re-emerge.

Americans now face two fights in places they cant even find on the guide.

Faith are based upon peace, and I hope the Americans realize the Jewish, Christians and we ought to regard eachother independent of religion.

President Obama promised that airstrikes alone might degrade and destroy ISIS, however we have got to worry about what comes next.


The War in Iraq, Was It Just?

America, under the impression that Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), invaded the latter in the first quarter of 2003 when it neglected to present its possession. The all out war was waged by the superpower despite the incongruity with fellow United Nations (UN) members including Germany and France. Iraq, as supposed, did put up a fight but was no match for the assault of the US military forces and that of the British, dubbing their group as the “Coalition Forces”. !

Nevertheless, recent events have come to demonstrate that the US might have bitten off more than it could chew as victims to as the statement on the towering variety of Coalition soldiers as good as expenses for war skyrocketed. A political vacuum was continuing for the empty position of head of state of the new government. Most importantly, the legality of their “justified” war lies in question.

Based on Conway Henderson, writer of “International Relations: Conflict and Cooperation at the Turn of the 21st Century”, a just war is one in which force is used in light of moral reasons and means. It’s fought with a group of states supplying support for the good of all, no matter their immediate national interests are at stake and terminating aggression. Henderson enumerated the directing principles pertaining to a just war and is used below to evaluate the nature of the US-led invasion to Iraq:

The cause must be just. Also called “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, the war in Iraq in 2003 was waged by the US to pressure the considered cradle of civilization to surrender its WMDs. Apart from that objective, the US additionally targeted to “democratize” Iraq, thus liberating it from the 25-year rule of an Iraqi despot which is Saddam Hussein.

It can be remembered that during the Persian Gulf War of 1991, the United Nations observed the Iraqi approval of a ceasefire deal, the latter consenting to the destruction of its biological and chemical weapons and accepting to pay war damages to Kuwait. UN inspectors were afterwards assigned to supervise the destruction of the aforementioned WMDs. The international organization carried on its sanctions against Iraq to ensure that it complied with the truce. Nevertheless, it refused to act in accordance with the conditions of the treaty. In 1999, the UN supposed that Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological substances to create deadly weapons. Iraq was called to report the WMDs were ruined. On the other hand, the defendant revealed no signs the substances are destroyed.

Iraq has been under the government of Saddam Hussein. Reports reveal which he is a savage tyrant on the world arena for a long time. He’s used others like the Kurds together with chemical weapons on his own people. Hussein invaded Kuwait over a decade past and he set fire on oil fields, not ruining natural resources but also carrying one of the worst environmental disasters in several years, when driven out by the US forces. This goes to demonstrate that Hussein does not have any consideration for independence and human life.

A lawful authority must determine to use force. America is a valid power that’s in charge of protecting its citizens and interests. US President George W. Bush has the constitutional power and responsibility to protect his state even if it means the use of military force. !

The United Nations, on the other hand, is a lawful international body, responsible for the maintenance of international peace and protection. However, relevance and its power was challenged when it was circumvented by the US purportedly by invading Iraq. The US unilateral military action was seemingly sidestepping the principles of the UN Charter, leaving the UN Security Council broken up into a war team – United States, Uk, and Spain – and an opposition team – Germany, France, Russia, and China, with eight other members backing neither camps. It was reported that the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan remarked the choice of the US to wage war is distressing for himself who believes in collective action. !

Using force must be a final resort. It can be evoked that in the ceasefire arrangement of the Persian Gulf War of 1991, Iraq was given enough time to ruin its WMDs, aware of the possible danger of the latter to mankind. Its failure functioned as a motive and was brought up in giving Saddam Hussein ultimatum. However, the defendant did not act properly, and jointly with the debacle on discussions, war became the resort that was continuing to solve the case.

The war must offers proportionality. The United States was successful in toppling the Iraqi dictator. Saddam Hussein was caught in the last quarter of 2003. However, the Coalition Forces’ casualties continue to escalate as the ward continues. Coalition troops now face a guerrilla war conducted by the members of the Iraqi Republican Guard and the Saddam Feyadeen who escaped the “Invasion Phase” to fight another day in another manner. Additionally, the fund needed in rebuilding Iraq went sky high, therefore, the US had to seek financial assistance from other developed nations. Most importantly, no WMDs have been reported to have surrendered.

The war must carry out a chance of achievement. “Operation Iraqi Freedom” may be considered unsuccessful. The established leader of Iraq may have lost power. The “democratization” procedure might also be coming to light, with the setup of a democratic authorities jointly with the reconstruction of war torn Iraqi society going on. On the other hand, the war in Iraq is unsuccessful because the US was not able to demonstrate to the international public that Iraq possessed WMDs. Additionally, the Coalition Forces’ casualties continue to increase, with over 500 soldiers dead.

Strategies of war must minimize damage to noncombatants. The utilization of modern weapons by the Coalition Forces for example warplanes, tanks, cannons, and bombs targeted Iraqi installations like ammo warehouses, and airports, communication facilities, bridges. Although casualties were discovered to be inevitable however, civilian places were saved.

The Iraq War of 2003, unfortunately, cannot be considered a “just war”. Despite fulfilling with some of the provisions the Iraq War wasn’t carried out with the UN Charter’s principle of collective security, since the UN Security Council was in a debacle over the problem of America directing the invasion. (Sheena Ricarte, Peace Education course, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, 2004).

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a while as it’s something that really hits home.

It’s been estimated that 30% of Vietnam war veterans, 12% to 20% of veterans of the Iraq war, 6% to 11% Afghanistan war veterans and 10% Gulf war veterans have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress disorder. This really is an anxiety disorder that may develop after exposure to one or more occasions that are frightening.

The history of PTSD date back to the early 1800’s where military physicians started diagnosing soldiers with “exhaustion” following the strain of conflict. This “exhaustion” was defined by mental shutdown due to individual or group injury. Around this time there was a syndrome in England called ‘railway spine’ or ‘railway craze which bares a resemblance to what we call now that is PTSD. Men and women who’d been in the disastrous railway mishaps of that time found this.

In World War I and II the term ‘shell shock’ and combat fatigue’ were terms to describe veterans who demonstrated tension and anxiety after being in fight. The official designation of “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” didn’t come about until 1980 when the 3Rd edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was printed.

This anxiety disorder happens when you’re scared and your body activates the fight or flight response. This reaction to resist releases adrenaline, which is in charge of raising your blood pressure as well as heart rate in addition to raising glucose to muscles (to let you run away fast in the surface of immediate risk). Yet when this risk has gone your body starts to undergo a procedure which shuts down the anxiety reaction and this procedure involves the discharge of some other hormone called cortisol. You may continue to feel the effects of adrenaline in case your body does not create enough cortisol to shut down the anxiety response. Injury sufferers who develop post-traumatic stress disorder frequently have higher amounts of other exciting hormones (catecholamines) under normal conditions where the risk of injury isn’t present. These same hormones kick in when they’re reminded of their injury.

Military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is an extremely serious illness with symptoms including self harm, rage, violence and drug addiction along with melancholy. All all these unfortunately impacts a large number of soldiers every year that have serviced in the armed forces and are typical symptoms of Military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Treating Military Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is done through fundamental and psychotherapy counselling but has the potential to take lots of patience plus time.

Unfortunately several individuals who are experiencing and suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also called ‘war injury’, is said to vastly improve in the the next couple of years because of the variety of soldiers that are fighting in regions like Helmand and Basra. There are worries that the Iraq war is creating more instances of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder than every other battle in decades, among the primary reasons for this is the fact that the violence has been prevalent and exposure to it persistent over long spans of time. The suicide bombers, roadside mines as well as the continuous danger of assault within the Iraq war presents a distinctive challenge to the mental health of the soldiers that are serving in it.

If you’re truly one of these anguish and are considering claiming damages for you enduring then you need to do so immediately. It’s your legal and civil right to file for damages for harms mental and emotional. No one should endure in silence.

Surfing In Iraq

Iraq has long been in the international spotlight for very unpleasant reasons. But, there is at least one reason to see this ancient country in a positive light. Iraq is a great surfing destination! Surfing in Iraq is growing increasingly popular as more and more people learn of the great beaches and awesome waves. Don’t expect to get the same waves you would surfing at a Cornwall Surfing School, but you’ll find that Iraq ranks right up there with some of the best surfing experiences.


Iraqi Coastline

Iraq doesn’t have much coastline, and what it does have is in the Persian Gulf. But, what a coastline it is! This is a beautiful beach, and about twice a year, you will find unbelievable surf. The regular weather does not stir up much in the way of surf, and waves are pretty tame most of the time. But, watch the weather reports, and keep your passport handy, because when storms pass over the Persian Gulf from the Indian Ocean, you are in for a great ride. The Arabian Sea is also a great source for weather patterns that can create great surf off the Iraqi coast.

Weather Systems

These weather systems from the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea will often sit on the Iraqi coast for days. Even Bahrain will find that it has decent waves, along with Western Iran and Qatar. Kuwait, which has most of the coastline on the northwestern side of the gulf, will also have some great surfing opportunities.

Sure, you hear about the sandstorms in this part of the world, and men and women serving in the military have watched the beach change shape often. But, while Qatar is getting a tremendous sandstorm, you may find terrific waves in Iraq.

1063602148_4f46757c7f_oRare Waves

There are the great surfing opportunities in Iraq, and then there are the rare waves that give you a shot at greatness. This part of the harbor is dredged regularly, and sometimes the Al Faw Peninsula will peel off a sliding left hander. Some surfers consider it worth the effort to be there when the weather is right, just to cash in on such an opportunity.

Typically, the Al Faw Peninsula will have great learners waves, with swells tending toward the southeast. You can count on an average 2 metre swell off this coastline, with a NW wind. The Peninsula is one of the top rated surfing spots in this area.


You’ll have a little extra preparation if you plan to surf in Iraq. Remember, there is more than just beach sand to contend with. Go prepared to protect all of your electronics, including your camera and phone, from the ever-present sand. You’ll also want to pack plenty of drinking water. Keep the items you use regularly in a backpack or day bag so that you can have it handy at the beach. It pays to take snacks with you, too, to refuel for the next wave.


Finding Work After The Army

Finding Work After The Army


When you leave the military, you are actually facing a career change. And, changing jobs is never easy. Then, you mix the intensity and responsibility of army life with the relatively non-threatening life of the civilian, and you find yourself need to make even bigger adjustments. But there are aids in finding work after the army, and in adjusting to non-military life.

Forces Resettlement

The EU offers forces resettlement help for those leaving the military. Among other things, you will have access to information on job markets. You’ll also be able to get retraining, geared toward training you to use the skills you learned in the military and using them in civilian settings. If you have spent at least 4 years in the military, you can get help with resettlement.
Your resettlement help may even extend to 2 years after you leave the forces. You can have access to a career consultant who will help you to determine the best job market for your personality and skills. You’ll also get valuable information on job availability and relocation.

Areas Of Training

Your skills will probably fit into one of 3 categories: engineering, building trades, or management. Engineering skills are those necessary for people wanting to go into IT work, becoming an electrician, or other such skills. With managerial skills, you’ll find employment in the fields of police work, project management, facilities management, or as a bursar. Building trades are just that: painting, plastering, construction, and other trades.
You’ll receive training aimed at making you successful in the civilian market with these trades.

Other Ways To Find Work

Veterans Day Ceremony

Keep in mind that many companies prefer to hire veterans. In the U.S., the federal government will hire a veteran first. This is out of loyalty for your service, and, very wisely, out of recognition of your willingness to be trained and to work.
There are also organizations all over Europe and the U.S. that help veterans find employment. They will help you to write a professional resume, for starters. These organizations will also help you to post your resume in desired job postings.
They will also help you as you search for jobs, both through individual counseling and online searches. These organizations will also have a media center that matches employees with potential employers. You’ll fill out a profile, and the jobs that fit the profile will come up.
Career fairs are another way to find a job. The organizations that offer help to veterans also have career fairs and job fairs that will give you an opportunity to meet up with potential employers.

Help For Family Members

Most of the help available to you is also available to your family members. This will apply to former spouses who are eligible, for trailing spouses, widows and widowers, dependents, and civilians with the Department of Defense.

Security Clearance

Finally, keep in mind that if you had any kind of security clearance in the military, you could qualify for a civilian job requiring security clearance quite easily. There is always a search for this type of employee in the fields that require security clearance.

The Cost Of The War In Iraq

What is the cost of war? On a philosophical plane, the casualties in human life is staggering, no matter the war. In monetary terms, the results are just as staggering. Currently, for example, the War in Afghanistan costs American taxpayers over $10 – per HOUR! The newest war in the Middle East – the non-war against ISIS – costs the taxpayers nearly $400 thousand per hour just check our cost calculators. This is supposed to be a “clean” war, meaning that Americans and their allies will not be harmed, since there are no “boots on the ground”. As with any political double speak, this is a misrepresentation of the costs of the war in Iraq.

Costs in Lives


The ground war in Iraq started in 2003, following war actions in Afghanistan precipitated by the Twin Towers bombings of 2001. Under still debated motives, the U.S. entered Iraq, and between 2003 and 2012, 4,486 U.S. soldiers have been killed in that country. 800 troops from the UK have died in the war, and another 400 from coalition troops have died. The estimates of civilian deaths, by some accounts, top a half million.
Besides deaths to our soldiers on the ground, it is estimated that there are a dozen suicides a day among Iraqi war veterans.

Monetary Cost

War in Iraq

Since the war in Iraq started, it is estimated that the U.S. has spent over $800 billion dollars on just the Iraqi part of the war. Afghanistan accounts for another $750 billion dollars. So, Iraq accounts for over ½ of the cost of the two wars combined.
Most military advisors said that withdrawing coalition troops from Iraq would destabilize the area, allowing terrorist groups to seize control. That, apparently, has happened, and now, the coalition troops are seeking to re-engage in that area. A “new” terror group called ISIS, or ISIL, if you want to avoid the Syria connection, has arisen, and we now have a new war targeting this group, somehow in exclusion to the wars on other terrorist groups.

The cost of war against ISIS is suspected to be around $300 thousand per hour. However, most reports are that the military is not revealing how much it is spending for this “air action”, and this is an estimate.

Political Cost

Obama AA

The war in Afghanistan had almost full support of the citizens of the U.S. The war in Iraq – not so much, since they had not directly attacked the U.S. Many people, liberals and conservatives alike, believed the Iraq war was based on Saddam Hussein’s threat to a past president of the country, rather than a direct attack. The war has spent a great deal of political capital affecting two American presidents and dividing the country almost as badly as the Vietnam war did, and with dubious benefits, with politicians strategizing both wars.

Numbers that extend beyond our own personal bank balance usually lose their significance. So, to put it in perspective, we’ve “spent” enough human lives and money to fill many, many Empire State Buildings.

Are We Going Back In?

Well, today is the 15th of September and everyone seems to be talking about the situation in Iraq and Syria, ISIS to be precise. The question on everyones lips, will we be heading back into Iraq (where we shouldn’t have been in the first place might I add).

My guess is yes, I think in a few day’s we’ll be hearing about a new assault on Iraq and it will be interesting to see the public reaction. Obviously the US/UK have some other agenda this time, as we all know they just do whatever they want. We’ll see what happens in a few days.